The Ego and the Cat in the Carrier

Just yesterday we had to take one of our kitties to the vet (she’s actually living with us for a while, but she’s family.) She got in a fight with our other cat while we were out of town and when we got back we noticed that the wound had gotten infected.

So, loving her as we do, we took her to the vet to get some antibiotics.

That, of course, was not the cat’s experience.

The cat’s experience was more like:

The cat was going about her business and dealing with yet another little wound she’d accumulated in her life. She knew that all she had to do is lick it and in time it would heal. She KNEW. She had “done it before don’t tell me what to do!!”

Then a couple of big ape-people GRABBED HER AND THREW HER IN A CAGE!!!!!

She protested - over and over. She knew that if she protested enough they would let her out. She knew that if she ever stopped protesting those stupid monkeys would probably just leave her in the cage.

And, for a brief moment, her plan worked.

They dragged her to this HORRIBLE place where dogs were staring at her like a meal and other cats are protesting in the background.


They took her to CAT HELL!! IN A CAGE!!! AGAINST HER WILL!!!

All she had to do was lick her wound and it would be fine!! DIDN’T THESE STUPID MONKEYS KNOW THAT???????

Then some other Ape-Thug grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and looked at her butt!! WHAT THE HELL WAS HIS PROBLEM???

Then, making matters worse, HE STABBED HER!!! HE STABBED HER WITH A LONG THIN POINTY THING!!! Luckily he stuck it in the folds of her skin so it didn’t really hurt, but HE STABBED HER!!! WHAT A MEAN APE THUG!!!

But at least she was out of that cage. At least her protests worked…

That is…


So, she began her strategy again. She protested for the entire ride back home.

Luckily, because she struggled, stressed, plotted, and schemed and RESISTED THIS TERRIBLE SITUATION she made it home and they let her out of the cage.


The End.

The cat KNOWS that her protests, her constant meowing, was necessary in order to get out of the cage.

She knows this and has cataloged it for future use.

She SURVIVED the terrible ordeal of the trip to the vet. And SHE did it! Her plans, plots, and schemes are why she survived this terrible ordeal…

Thank the cat goddess that she is so stubborn and willful, or she’d have never made it!

And she’ll never be caught unaware again by these terrible Ape-Thugs!! She’s going to remain on guard! She’s not going to be treated like that again!

It’s not true, however.

She was going to get out of that carrier and be fine either way.

She was going to be loved and nurtured and have her life saved either way.

She could have sat back, relaxed, enjoyed the ride, and then ended up back home safe, sound, and healthier.

But instead.

She pushed and pulled at reality - at what was.

And had a miserable time…

Sound familiar?



The Householder’s Path


Stand to see them Suffer