Welcome to My Teachings

Mark does work one on one with students; however, he only does so with students who “Do The Work.” Mark does not charge for his time. Some students do indeed give him gifts, but that is not needed to have access to his time. There is a private group available online where students “Do the Work” in an environment free from outside scrutiny. It is for students sharing similar experiences to bond and support one another. Please don’t ask to join if you are not interested in doing the work; if you are merely interested in Mark’s material, that is what this website is for.

How to “Do The Work” (and if interested, come to do one-on-one work with Mark):

Daily Practices:

Stage 2 (Hearing and Reflection) practices:

  • Read the books of Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle (focusing on “The Power of Now” minimum 2x read directly, not merely “book on tape”), Adyashanti, and as this is to work with him, Mark Pifer.

  • Watch Mark’s Documentary “Deceptively Simple” and listen to the Group Satsangs recorded on YouTube.

  • Once this is completed, you may ask to work one-on-one with Mark and join his private work group. You may join the Private Work Group on a contingent basis if this work is in the process of completion. If it is not completed, you may be removed from the Private Work Group as that is where people can do their work in earnest without casual observers, only fellow students.

Stage 3 (Tenuous Mind) practices:

Early Stage 3:

  • 2x Full Guided Meditations morning and before bed (this is the minimum; more is recommended).

  • Guru’s Grace (playing recorded teachings) by accepted Guru’s Grace teachers: Eckhart Tolle (60%), Adyashanti (30%), and Alan Watts (10%) as many hours as possible day and night.

  • Learn what Core Work is and begin to understand your family role and your childhood survival strategies.

Mid Stage 3:

  • Minimum 6x Guided Meditations (more is better).

  • Guru’s Grace full-time (24hrs if possible) adding in teachers who you have found resonate with you personally and have been approved by Mark.

  • When in public, repeating the Compassion Meditation phrase “May you be free from suffering, may you experience joy and ease” to all people you see (even making a meditation out of it in a public place).

  • Finishing all of Mark’s recommended reading material.

  • Begin Core Work in earnest, working with Mark or a therapist directly, and adding some visualization practices to your daily work.

Late Stage 3 – “aka the push to Stage 4 (Abide in the Self):

  • Minimum 10x Guided Meditations (more is better). The goal is working toward portable – effortless – meditation that lasts the whole day.

  • Guru’s Grace 24hrs a day without gaps, including again added teachers that you resonate with and have been approved by Mark.

  • Constant “mini meditations” throughout the day lasting 10-20 seconds where the breath is evened and the inner body moved into.

  • External Compassion practice as before but preferably with some Service-based work added in (helping the elderly, working with children, the homeless, or assisting the guru in helping other students, are some simple suggestions).

  • Master your Core Work and have your “Inner Child”’s complete trust as you move on, bringing them with you when you finally release your abstract version of self.

Stage 4 (Abide in the Self):

  • Begin with meditations where you envision your closest loved ones dead and dying.

  • Add in the “A Visualization Exercise in Non-Specialness” practice in the book “Have you suffered enough.”

  • Make a recording of yourself where you declare the truth of your actual attachments to others and play it on repeat: “I am not Bob’s wife… I am not Jenny’s mother… Bob was never born… I was never born…” (ask Mark for more detailed examples of this).

  • GRIEVE. Let go of all conditioned agreements with others.

  • Master True Love and exclude NO ONE and no-thing from your expression of it.

  • As Core Work arises from time to time, dive in with enthusiasm and close any wounds you find permanently (if possible).

Stages 5, 6, and 7 revealed when ready.

For inquiries to join the private group, contact the email on this page or Matthieu at: Gobinochov@hotmail.com

Clarification of Services

I am here to help you by giving honest and direct advice when asked. When I provide an answer, it is given with the intent to serve the truth as I understand it, trusting that the truth does indeed set people free. Seeking clarification is always welcome, but persistently seeking engagement beyond this can disregard and disrespect the guidance you have requested from me.

If you believe that certain approaches or methods contrary to my suggestions are useful, please have the courage to test them independently. If you genuinely wish to change or need assistance, feel free to seek me out. This approach will be more beneficial for your growth and respectful of the process we are undertaking together.

I understand that some of you may be dealing with various challenges. However, since you have sought me out, I need to maintain clear boundaries about the services I offer. I am not here to engage in debates or counterarguments; my role is to provide answers to the questions you ask. I do not wish to be a debate partner.

Just to be clear, this is not an accusation or shaming. It is a clarification so that I can refer to it if the need presents itself.

No matter the choices you make, my deepest desire is that you find peace, joy, and love in your life.