The Householder’s Path

Thousands of years ago there was a group of old men who were done with raising children, being farmers (or whatever profession they had), and husbands (not abandoning their wives or ceasing to love them, just not having the role define them any longer.) They decided that the best use of their time would be to gather together and discuss “the meaning of life” or if you will “what is true.” In truth what they were examining was the Vedic practices that were prevalent in their time, but not just that, they wouldn’t be satisfied with just being “anti-Vedic” they wanted deep answers.

These meetings, over time, became the Upanishads.

I am neither a Hindu, nor a Hindu scholar, so if I get this wrong I apologize profusely. AND there is still debate over how or when all this occurred, but some of the fundamental concepts of Hinduism, namely karma, reincarnation and "personal enlightenment and transformation", which did not exist in the Vedic religion, developed between 800 BCE and 200 BCE and came from these old men chatting.

That last bit “personal enlightenment and transformation” is what brings us to my teaching.

It came to me through an interesting path that flowed from Hinduism through the Buddha, to Zen Masters, to Alan Watts, D.T. Suzuki (and many many more), and finally most importantly through my teacher. After my teacher, I can add Adyashanti, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Eckhart Tolle, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Dr. Richard Davidson, and too many other small contributors to list. All of whom shaped my understanding of that “personal enlightenment and transformation” bit.

And my conclusions, personal practice, and teachings are some kind of amalgamation of all those sources but are all subordinate to my personal experience. Only my teacher at this point has the license to challenge my personal experience and gain my respect to the point where I will examine it further. Other than that my personal experience is the authority.

Enough about me, back to the “Householder’s Path.”

There was no internet back in the day. The devotee often gave up their lives and went to sit at the feet of a Guru for teaching. This gesture pretty much eliminated what I call “spiritual hobbyists” because it’s hard to give up one’s life then not take that gesture seriously.

Now teachers and teachings are everywhere. Spiritual Hobbyists are all the rage (for more on that see my essay on the subject.)

But back in the day what to do if there was a profound and earnest desire for liberation practices but there were practical form-based obligations to wives, children, co-workers, etc. (Yes women also can do this but the paths were predominantly male-oriented at the time they were created. Nowadays gender is not important whatsoever but the path is the same.)

The Guru’s invented the “Householder’s Path.”

Honor with your whole heart your form based obligations. Work, love your partner, raise children, with your whole heart AND practice with the SAME fire and drive as one at the foot of the Guru.

It’s slower, but it still gets there.

Notice that last part “practice with the SAME fire and drive as one at the foot of the Guru.”

Egos love to get this part wrong. They love to hide in the “Householder’s Path” and chase worldly goals and dreams. They love to secretly want to “get ahead” as an ego while still be seen as “spiritual.”

It doesn’t work that way.

THE defining characteristic of a true student is the drive and passion for freedom at ANY COST.

Without that the “Householder’s Path” is just a hiding place for ego.

And, most importantly, it is not very useful to the goal of earnest “Liberation” practices.

“How is this done?”

It’s done the same way as the student in the monastery or at the Guru’s feet. The practice is identical in passion, dedication, honesty, courage and earnestness (just less often due to time constraints.)

“What does that look like?”

Well, I’ve written three books so far covering the answer to this question. 


The Spiritual Truth and the Round Planet


The Ego and the Cat in the Carrier