Mark Pifer is a guru/spiritual teacher and author.

Mark Pifer has dedicated his life to serving as a beacon for those seeking enlightenment. Upon the completion of his training, his spiritual teacher gave him four fundamental guidelines:

  1. Servant of the Universe: Embrace the role of serving the broader cosmos, not just individual desires.

  2. Engage When Approached: Discuss spiritual matters only when others initiate the conversation, refraining from unsolicited preaching.

  3. Openness to All Students: Welcome all who seek guidance without discrimination; the students choose the teacher, not the other way around.

  4. Teach Freely, Accept Gifts Graciously: Provide teachings without a fee to ensure accessibility for all, though gratefully accept voluntary contributions.

Since 2011, Mark has enriched the spiritual landscape by writing three books, producing numerous videos, penning essays, and offering personalized guidance one-on-one. His teachings are rooted not in the accumulation of knowledge, but in the profound practices of surrender and the release of conditioned habits.

While initially hesitant to adopt the title, Mark embraces the term “Guru,” which he found to be the most fitting description for his role. Derived from Eastern philosophies, a guru is “one who brings light to darkness,” aptly describing Mark's mission to illuminate the hearts of his students and guide them out of their inner turmoil.

So, when asked, “What do you do?” Mark simply responds, “I am a Guru.” His goal is to help each student find the light within themselves, offering a path away from darkness and towards spiritual awakening.

Mark's approach to spirituality is infused with a unique blend of humor and depth, a nod to his past experiences before fully embracing his role as a guru. His students have affectionately nicknamed him the "K-Mart Guru." This humorous title emerged when a student asked if Mark could instantaneously enlighten them with "shakti," as they had heard of other gurus doing. With a playful smile, Mark replied, "No, sorry, I'm like the K-Mart version of a guru—bargain bin enlightenment. You'll just have to do your work." This blend of lightheartedness and sincerity adds a refreshing dimension to his teachings.