This Is a Form-Based Philosophy

There is a fundamental truth to this spiritual teaching business, and it is so fundamental most masters just assume that the student realizes it. But having been a spiritual teacher for a while now I can say that it’s often misunderstood. I know this misunderstanding because I so often have to point to the difference between the “Absolute” and the “Relative” when answering questions. Students will often be very frustrated that truths in the Absolute are not true in the Relative. This is NOT true, however, the other way around. The spiritual teachings of the masters in the form of practical philosophies are similar; they are true – practical - in one and not in the other. The absolute, for instance, has no need for “philosophy.”

This is a Relative based philosophy, the absolute is perfectly fine without it. The absolute has no need for “philosophy,” which means “love of knowledge” or if you like “love of truth” the absolute IS the knowledge - is the truth – it is also the LOVE.

And so, at your core, are YOU.

And now that “YOU” - that Absolute truth - that Absolute love - finds itself in a form-based experience and, as part of the experience, it mistakes its true nature for the limited form. Very cool. How fun! It’s one of the ways for the limitless to play in the eternal now.

And then, after a time, the game becomes uncomfortable. “Dukkha” or suffering begins to spring forth from this mistaken identity.

Without that mistaken identity, the suffering would be substantially less. And yet without that mistake, there would be no game of “playing human.”

In much the same way when we were children and playing “Hide and Seek” we would crouch behind bushes for long periods of time to avoid being “caught.” Without this, there would be no game, but in time it gets uncomfortable to remain in that crouched position. Suffering arises, and so we jump up and head for “base” to try to be “not it.”

Well, in much the same way we are playing “Hide and Seek” with our-SELVES. It’s fun for a while, and mistaken identity is how the game is played, but after a time it becomes uncomfortable and we need a strategy to head for “base” and be “not it” (aka “no-thing.”)

The spiritual teachings of the masters are the methods by which we do so.

And they are only useful as practical “methods” in the relative, in the form.

The Goddess is doing just fine without them.


This Isn’t Fair


The Spiritual Truth and the Round Planet