We get to have Christ Moments

Jesus was having a very stressful time.  He knew of his impending pain, suffering, and betrayal and knew it was at hand.  He went to the mount of Olives to pray with his disciples, as was his custom.  He instructed them to pray “not to fall into temptation” and then moved about a “stone’s throw” away from them and there, alone in his prayers, had a moment of humanity:


Matthew 26:42

42: He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.


Luke 22:42

 42: Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.


He didn’t want the burden.  He was tired and not in the mood to suffer. 


It didn’t last long and he quickly surrendered:  “…not my will, but thine, be done”


But he did have a moment of simple humanity.  A moment of form-based suffering and his form didn’t enjoy it.


He didn’t want it.


Why do I point this out?  Because sometimes it’s good to notice that the masters also weren’t “perfect” in their practice.  That they also, from time to time, have “human moments” and push against what is.


It’s normal.


It’s natural.


It’s a part of the form-based experience.


This is not a practice of perfection.  This is not a rigid practice where only one result is “good” or “spiritual” and others are not.


It’s ALL perfection.  It is as it is.


This is a practice about increasing peace, joy, and love in our experience.  NOT about becoming so “spiritual” that we never have egoic moments of pushing or pulling against reality.


We get to have Christ moments.


We get to say “really Goddess!?!?  THIS?!?!?”


And then, like Christ, we remember, that our peace is in surrender, and we say “thy will be done…”


And we access the “peace of God, which passeth all understanding” and let go.


And when we do we join Christ in peace, joy, and love.


Much love to you all.


Mistaking Rest for Peace


Healthy and Unhealthy Disgust in the Path to Liberation