The Amygdala Has Only One Story

If we are born into a frightening universe, for ANY reason, it is highly likely our amygdala is on high alert. The most common diagnosis of this is PTSD, but Anxiety and Depression can both be linked to hyperactive Amygdala function.

In point of fact, one of the primary benefits of Mindfulness Meditation and even more powerfully Compassion Meditation is that it strengthens the pre-frontal cortex which plays a part in standing down an Amygdala gone haywire.

So, to assist in the Mindfulness practice of our Amygdala I want to point out something that is fundamental and ultimately very liberating, and that is that the Amygdala really only says one and only one story (with many spins on it, of course) and that is:

“There MIGHT be some danger…”

And that’s it.

Every rumination, every worry, and every fear of the future or past is generated from listening to some form of this story.

Now if you are familiar with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s work, or mine, then you’ve been introduced to the little peanut-sized part of the brain nicknamed the “Itty Bitty-Shitty Committee…” or, sometimes referred to by my students as the IBSC (we’re too lazy to say or type it over and over…)

This part of the brain is essentially the “no” circuitry and its job is simply to say “no” to whatever you are experiencing, and this is usually achieved by some kind of doom and gloom story which has the Amygdala’s storyline as its main component.

“It will never work…” (e.g. there MIGHT be some danger in continuing)

“This always happens to me…” (e.g. there MIGHT be the kind of danger here that we’ve experienced in the past…)

“What if I lose _____?” (e.g. there MIGHT be danger of having to grieve the loss)

The possibilities are indeed endless but the core story is ALWAYS the same some version of:

“The future or past MIGHT contain some danger in the form of…”

Notice it’s ALWAYS the future or the past. It might be the very near future or the very recent past, but it’s always one or the other if the language center has become involved because in a REAL threat there is no time to chat about the threat…

The present moment, however, if we’re thinking about potential threats MUST be safe, or we would not have the time to be doing the rumination.

So, what is happening here? Well, the Amygdala is doing the job it is convinced through repetitive use is necessary and checking every stimulus for danger. This is, after all, a violent and dangerous universe in the view of those who have this condition.

And the IBSC is joining in in an attempt to get blood flow by grabbing your attention and so crafts a story along the given plot line.

Now, let’s say it hits an old unhealed wound from childhood and a Pain Body is triggered. If you want to find this child it is actually very easy to find. Many people look for events in their past that align with the present story, and some might indeed show up in our memory, but if you want to find the Inner Child in mid-unhealed-trauma then simply add powerlessness to the story and you will see the story through the child's eyes.

“It will never work and I’m powerless to change it.”

“This always happens to me and I can’t do anything about it.”

etc. etc.

A horrible feeling that if we tap into we often join the child in powerlessness and so it is easier to try to suppress the child’s dangerous feelings. For instance, we wouldn’t want to be paralyzed with fear at work and become dysfunctional, would we? So, if this happens at work or somewhere we might find such a reaction dangerous, we deny the child’s response and keep it in the darkness alone and powerless only to arise another time in the same unresolved state.

So, what is the way out of this?

First, thank the Amygdala. It is merely doing its job. Thank it for the warning and look around the present moment and see if there is an ACTUAL threat to deal with.

If there is a threat, deal with it. The Amygdala will send the kind of chemicals to assist you (adrenaline, cortisol, etc.) in resolving the conflict through fight, flight, or freeze.

If there is no threat, well, after thanking it for the warning, check and see if some old unhealed childhood trauma has been triggered and, if it’s safe to do so sit with the child and let them resolve the emotion (I have essays for specific ways of doing this if you are interested.)

If you are at work, or someplace where this isn’t possible then make a promise to the child that you will let them feel and resolve the trauma later in a safer place.


If you do so you will gain their support in future episodes. If you don’t they won’t trust you and they will sabotage and push back against your attempts to suppress them.

In short, the Amygdala is a warning, not a threat. Thank it for doing its job, look about in the present moment (threats can only happen now or never) then let go of all versions of its only story.

And enjoy your freedom.


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